Wednesday, April 30, 2008

As the semester literally comes to an end, I can't help but be excited. therefore I am.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Autumn and the Academy

Today Autumn had the opportunity to sing at Curtis' fiances' academy that she teaches at. I really didn't know what to expect except for a bunch of kids. Well that part fulfilled itself with flashing colors. As some of the members can recollect, one girl walked in and said pardon me queen bee coming through, and that she thought she was. Most of us also agreed that if we were teaching the class and had her, she would either be maimed or we would be in jail. Yes, she was that bad. Regardless of that, we walked into the auditorium/gym where we were performing. Thats when I met Noah. Noah was a 4 year old little boy that too be honest I had no clue where his parents were because as we played, no one called his name. The first thing we talked about was how his coat was two sided so he like to show that off to me. Oh yea, big detail, we had to introduce ourselves as Mr. and Ms. (insert last name here). So as were playing catch with a ball on the stage it just goes through his arms and smacks him in the face and rolls off the stage. He as any little boy would do, took a couple steps back and leaps off the stage probably about 4-5 feet off the ground and nearly makes Mainero's heart jump out of her chest cause its quite a distance for a little boy to jump. When he walks up the stage I ask him calmly, Noah, can you go over to Ms. Mainero and tell her that next time you will use the stairs instead of jumping because you scared her. He walks over, tugs on her sleeve and says next time I will use the stairs. Really cute. As were performing, one of the girls in the front row tries to count how many of us were in the group and after about well after our first song she finally made it up to 7 and was rejoicing with her friend about her counting ability. The whole time were performing, something behind me would catch my eye and I would look back and there would be little noah  giving me a thumbs up. As we ended he wanted to play ball again but I told him I had to put my "toys" away first. Right before we left I walked back into the gym to see if he was still there and yes, he was there, riding on top of the mats the kids sat on now piled on a cart. He hopped down and gave me a high five and as I was saying bye he said WAIT! I HAVE TO GIVE YOU A HUG AND A KISS! Slight caught off guard I guess I decided to stand there and take it. Autumn has brought me to many people's homes or just the churches for a one time performance and through that I have gotten the chance to meet a lot of little kids that in the short time that I know them I guess make me attached to them. I remember when I first starting going to church and all the babies that I liked to play with and ever since then, I just connect with the kids wherever we go. All I know is that children distract me with their cuteness and I just like their never ending urge to want to play ALL day. Jamie doesn't like when I hold babies cause it is all I want to do when I see one that belongs to people that I know and I think I'm just going to keep on holding them ;) Regardless, today at the academy was a really good experience.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Boondock Saints is the bomb, best movie ever

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Song Idea

So as crazy as this is, I have agreed to start an acoustic "worship" style band with my friend Michael and I'm not going to lie. He wants us to write our own stuff and musically thats a breeze but when it comes to lyrics then whoa buddy. but because I'm confident that I have a long way to go, why not share what I have. I reckon that the title is All I Ask Of You.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I am now aware of the fact that I have a short fuse. This has also made itself known to me several times this year. Today I didn't feel like going to band so I didn't, I just slept and I'm glad I did. I needed to close myself out from the world and what better way to do it then sleeping. I was practicing piano and I can play the songs I have pretty fairly, but my scales really sent me over the edge. I can't do it. I'm trying to sing songs that I want to audition for Autumn again with. I can't do it. All these things that I can't add up to what I want to. I want to live a life that God will be pleased with. I can't do it. Chris Shields once said and I quote -My grace is sufficient for thee. Thats true that God has extended his grace to me because obviously I can't do it or anything close to what he wants by myself. All I can say is please spring break come faster. During the Autumn trip this weekend, lying in the back of the van about to become taken over by an Autumn induced coma I thought to myself how much I wanted to just quit breathing. Nothing too serious, no worries. But the thought popped up in my head because thats how my views of life have become. Life as it is will go on without me whether I'm here or not. And it seems that while I'm here and I have my foot in a few things to say the least, its still going on whether I'm ready for it too or not. I just think about some of my classes and how they are going right now and that same thought comes up. I can't do it. As I sit here not sleeping because I'm not in the mood. I just want to people to know that my mood as of right now is. I can't do It.

-My grace is sufficient for Thee

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


As I was walking to chorus today, I have come to the realization that this is possibly the most magnificent winter I have ever witnessed. We have gotten dumped with snow four or five times since December and to top that off, we have had frigid temperatures with ease. While walking in the fresh blizzard today I can't help but think that how can someone think that this world just happened in a boom or however you think it came to be. To have all this snow and not a single snowflake not even in the multiple dumps of snow we got are the same. Each one is intricate and detailed different then its fellow flake friend. Also, I think(which means its a belief not a fact) that when it snows, that means that its cold enough to be winter, and warm enough to snow. Notice that when it was -15 the other day there was no snow, just the most coldest weather I have ever been out in. Now how can you think that the world just appeared for that much of a drastic drop of temperature in a matter of a day or two and not notice God. This reminds me when God is speaking to Job and his friends, and asking them well where were you when the world was created, surely you know everything about it cause you where there right? Wrong. Thank you God for this magnificent winter weather.

Monday, February 11, 2008


So, after I set this up, I'm hungry, my brain is all cloudy, and I currently have some homework to do and practice my instruments, tuba piano and french horn. Don't forget about conducting.